Influence of Emotions on Breast Cancer

Cancer is a disease that affects the whole family, friends, and the work environment. When the doctor, with your collaboration, makes the decision about the treatment that you should follow and explains the changes that this new situation will bring, it is important to communicate it.

Emotions and Fear

Fear or ignorance about the disease, once it is diagnosed, can affect the people around you. This fear can be contagious and generate unrealistic fears, which are usually the ones that produce the most anxiety. It is good that you can share your illness with the people around you, and they need to know how the diagnosis and the treatments are altering your mood and your daily activities. Therefore, the family must listen, without reproach and vain hope, to both your emotions and your fears. It is good that, with your help, the changes are minimal and life continues its normal course.

The Psychological Support

Psychological support from the family is important, as the family will play a key role in how the patient copes with the breast cancer Orange County located, and how she will cope with treatment. While many patients and families will adapt themselves, albeit with effort, to the changes that the disease involves, others will require therapeutic help.

Acceptance of One’s Body

The breast is a part of the body that has great significance in relation to feelings of femininity, and motherhood. Oftentimes, women who undergo a mastectomy report feeling “mutilated”, unhappy and sad, less attractive, and with low self-esteem. It affects them to the point that they are afraid to undress in front of the mirror, or a public place like a gym. It can even change how they feel about wearing certain lingerie, swimsuits, or necklines. In addition, the relationship with their partner can be affected.

Breast Reconstruction 

Bear in mind that, once breast reconstruction has been performed, in most cases only a scar is seen on the breast. The external appearance is impeccable, even with low-cut or tight clothing, since it is possible to reproduce a very natural-looking breast and very similar to the other. Breast reconstruction provides the mastectomized woman with an aesthetic, but also emotional improvement. The positive impact on the woman increases her self-confidence and raises her self-esteem, which allows her to accept her own body and the new situation and encourages her to undertake a new stage.


If you find yourself being diagnosed with breast cancer, there is hope as long as it is caught early and successfully treated. There are also support groups that can help you through the process. Therefore, don’t give up hope and don’t allow your emotions to take over your life. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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